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Re-Flashing The Printer

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1. Format an SD card (16-32gb) via Disk Management in Windows

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2. Get Raspberry Pi image tool

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3. Download and unpack the FLYOS image 7zip from above 'FLY-v3.1_Flygemini_bullseye_0819_5.10.85.img.7z' This came from Mellow

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(version in screenshot works with Gemini V3 board)

4a. Write this img file to the sd card via the Pi Image Tool, you don't need to add any wifi details etc yet.

4b. Insert the sd card into the Gemini

5. Plug board into computer via the bottom left USB C port, and open Device Manager and expand Ports (COM & LPT), you should see a new COM port appear

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6. Get PuTTY and set it up with your COM port like so

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Give it a few seconds, You’re in

6b. If you're using a macOS (or unix based system) you don't need any additional program. You can use built-in command screen

Type below command in terminal to find the correct device.

ls /dev/tty* | grep usbserial

You should get something like

crw-rw-rw- 1 root wheel 0x9000006 Oct 7 22:47 /dev/tty.usbserial-xxxxx

Then you just need to connect to the device using

screen /dev/tty.usbserial-xxxxx 115200

Add wifi

7. Type nmtui into putty and press enter Use the arrow keys to navigate and enter for OK

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7b. Select Activate a connection

7c. Navigate to your wifi id, press enter, then type your password, and press enter again Your window should look like so:

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7d. Press esc esc to back out of this menu

7e. Type ip a and press enter Look for an ip similar to, copy this into your browser and you should see Fluidd

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Ok, let's switch user and connect via wifi. Open a new putty instance, you can close the old window.

8. Input the new details for the board

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Once in the console, username ‘fly’ password ‘mellow’

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9a. Cd klipper, make clean, make menuconfig

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9b. Set the options like so

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Press q then y to save and quit

9c. Type make -j4

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10a. Remove diagonal jumper before the next step, we're going to flash the MCU (the right portion of the Gemini)

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10b. Type the following into Putty

wget -O && sudo bash gemini-v3-tools

Type password when required

10c. If you get hid-flash error type cd ~/klipper/lib/hidflash && make

Else type sudo gemini-v3-tools -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin

10d. Type the following commands sudo gemini-v3-tools -h

this enters burning mode

sudo gemini-v3-tools -s

this starts MCU normally

sudo gemini-v3-tools -r

This resets the MCU

ls /dev/serial/by-id/*

10e. Grab the blue text like below


and put it in your printer.cfg alt text

Mainsail fix

To fix the below, change the path to the virtual directory in mainsail, I did this by navigating to the config locations and editing them using Nano. There are easier ways of doing this, but this is how I did it.

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cd mainsail-config
nano mainsail.cfg

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Scroll using arrow keys, change virtual sdcard to expected location CTRL+X to save, press Y, then enter

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Do the same with ~/printer-data/mainsail/mainsail.cfg

Do the same with printer.cfg but via Fluidd (because easier)

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V0 display

Somewhat stolen from to have a version of documentation that won't change

If your display is attached to the printer, turn it onto its side so you can see the underside of the display

1. Install the boot jumper and press the reset button on the back of the display board. This will put the board into DFU mode.

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2. Run lsusb from the command prompt

Make sure you see an STM32 in DFU mode listed

3. Run dfu-util --list from the command prompt, and it should say one DFU is available, make a note of the text inside the [xxxx:yyyy]

4. Run cd ~/klipper from the command line to enter the Klipper directory

5. Run make menuconfig

settings should be:

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Pay attention to the PA9/PA10 comm setting, as if you get it wrong it won’t work and show up in blue

Set the "Optional features" to:

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Hit Q to Exit and Save

6. Run make clean to clean up the make environment.

7. Run make flash FLASH_DEVICE=xxxx:yyyy (using xxxx:yyyy from above)

You may see what appears to be an "error" after flashing your board. (Blue box) As long as you see the File downloaded successfully text (Green box) you are good to proceed.

The error (Red box) seems to be caused by the controller immediately running the uploaded code and no longer appearing as a DFU device. This is not an issue, as long as the board reports a Klipper serial name. If you see an issue with space on the chip, it may be that you still have an item ticked on the optional features step.

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8. Remove the boot jumper and press the reset button on the back of the display.

After completion ls /dev/serial/by-id/* should return a device begining with /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f042x6...

9. Copy this serial port name (/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f042x6... ) and place it in your [mcu display] section of the display config file.

Your board should now be usable with Klipper. Use the example config files) to get started Best option is to copy the config file into the same directory as printer.cfg then add [include V0Display.cfg] to the end of your printer.cfg to include the file.